Well, that was unexpected

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Well, that was unexpected

Hello there to my two friends that use the site :)

During our travels, the server got an OS update that broke the old version of the forum. Since I'm mobile at the moment, I couldn't really dig into it so I opted to update the forum software to the current version.

This unfortunately broke the things like the front page, daily dose, etc. but I think only the first page was getting used so not much was lost.

When time permits, I'll take a look at getting the site looking a bit like a VW site and getting some features put back but at least we can talk to each other now :)

I hope you both are doing well and I've missed our little exchanges :)

Talk soon!
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Re: Well, that was unexpected

Thanks a bunch for getting the site rolling again. 8-)
It seems to work great after the software update and the "standard look" isn't that bad.
Amongst all your current and upcoming projects a pimped and bling-bling ACA site design is of no importance IMHO. ;)
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Re: Well, that was unexpected

Yeah, it will have to hold off just a bit until the dust settles. It's looking like we'll be in Virginia on the second of next month so I'm happy just to get it accessible again. I'll spiff it up some once I've got an office again :)
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