Super_Randy wrote:... is yours an 1/8 nitro? im not real familiar with Graupner.
Yes 1/8 nitro. It has a 3.5ccm O.S. MAX engine - man that thing was fast!
Here's a quote from the interweb about the Graupner Impuls kit (mine is a 1998 Impuls Sport 4WD):
It's a HoBao Pirate M1. Rebranded by Graupner (Impuls 2000 2 wheel drive, Impuls 2000 4 wheel drive and Impuls 4000 4 wheel drive).
Also rebranded as T2M Pirate M1, Ofna Pirate and Kyosho Prestige.
The Monster Pirate, or Pirate MT Sport, was the monster truck version of the buggy.
Combed through the archives and found this...
Back in '87 my brother and I ran these Kyosho electric buggies: