Section for Stock or Survivor Cars

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Section for Stock or Survivor Cars

That might be a nice addition.

It seems the stock/original camp has traditionally been considered the oddballs, but consider a Hot VWs magazine from the 80s or early 90s and how funny some trends were.
I never see sections for Stock or Survivor cars on other forums, you could be the first!
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Re: Section for Stock or Survivor Cars

Morning :)

Can I ask you to elaborate? Are you thinking a particular forum for people to ask for help getting their cars back to stock, a place to showcase them or "???"?

I've found it very challenging to figure out the correct parts for my model year, but I'm not sure if enough people would ask for help with this particular issue to make it worth a dedicated forum category.

Let me know what you're thinking and we'll compare some notes with things I have planned for the site.

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Re: Section for Stock or Survivor Cars

And just to be clear, there will be more forum categories, I just haven't sussed them out completely yet. I don't like Samba's method of separating guys who own 57 beetles from those that own 68 so will go for a less segregated method of categorizing but still see a need for specialty categories, like restoration vs. customization.
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Re: Section for Stock or Survivor Cars

Well as far as a section for stock/survivor cars that is separate from custom or modified VWs, the section might include a place for owners cars pictures or projects, light refurb tips and threads, people's posts on methods they have used to refurbish original parts and sections that people can post examples of original cars so others can see what a car or part looks like if they are doing a stock restore.

As far as a section to show examples of original parts, I would like to see something like a year and a photo with a brief description for a part and the list goes from 1942 to 1978 (or whatever the year range is) for each part. A different section for Bugs, Buses, and other models.

For example, a 1965 Bug Headlight.
Have a list that shows a picture of a headlight from each year and a brief description for each.
The 1965 headlights vary so much that it's difficult to know if the parking bulb should be closer to the light or further away (my bug has both and ones not right even though they both work and fit fine). And in the description for a 65 headlight the different glass types that were used could also be listed on the description (no need to show a pic of every glass type, just list the various number options).

Another thing would be like an Emergency brake boot for a 1965 Bug and other VWs. I have never found an aftermarket one yet that matches stock ones and many people don't know there are differences. it would be nice to see each years actual boot.

Also, wheel sizes and white wall widths and rim color combinations for each year in the same format as Headlights mentioned above.

Steering wheels, cardboard wire covers (there were so many), correct engines (most people don't even know about the tin that covers the top of the lower pully on the 60s engines), and other unusual parts like these would be great in a listed format.

I have seen some of the info listed in a limted way in this format but it is hit and miss.
I know most of this can be found on the samba if you search for it and go thru several different posts and sections, I'm talking about a better list with specific pictures of specofoc parts for reference and without a bunch of extra comments and other posts in between.

After I started thinking about all this a couple years ago I realized how much work this would be. Just to do headlights would take time let alone wheel color combos and other things.
It would be a list that would have to grow over time with others contributions too.
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Re: Section for Stock or Survivor Cars

I think we're both designing the same thing in our heads :)

I picture someone needing to know what's correct for their steering column, for instance. They can either enter a partnumber or view a exploded schematic and click the part they want to get info on. Say they click the horn brush. Since they've entered the model/year/market of the vehicle they want the info on, the script can show them anything we would want it to: a picture of the item, one of it installed, application(year and model span), upgrades and current sources for the part with user reviews, in regards to fitment and it's match for OEM quality.

Like we've both mentioned, the scale of this is immense. Even with a partnumber database, it would require an incredible amount of input. Luckily, I've got a lot of free time :). Even if it took 5 years to be useful to more than half the people trying to use it, it's not something that would ever be a waste of time. We can safely assume that nobody will ever produce something that makes it obsolete. Everyone that runs a website is willing to provide the simple things, like forums, classifieds, downloads, etc. That's because the systems have either already been written for them or they are easy to write yourself. Something as large as we're discussing is too much work for too small a market. The only reason it would be written is as a labor of love and 99.9% of the site owners don't love VW's that much. If anyone did, we'd have the system already :)

I'll post my script roadmap and design tree to the forums if you want to see it. You seem to have exactly the same functionality and end result in mind, so I'd be very interested in your thoughts and suggestions on the matter.
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Re: Section for Stock or Survivor Cars

Hey Schwim,

Yep, you summed up pretty much what I had thought would be cool to see.
I obsess over what year the cardboard wire covers changed from brown back to black back and e brake boot rubber covers, headlights and so on.

It would be a labor of love and take awhile to get photos and verification of each part and create an easy to view list with links to additional details.
I have many photos I have captured of various VW bug and other VW headlights and one day want to cut and paste them all in semi order by year and model with a description of the differences. Just so I know and can get the correct ones at swap meets as needed for my bugs.

A local guy who repairs VW carbs did a good job of showing the differences of carbs and I have seen other places too that have good carb differences details, but that's just a single part!

I sure wish I had time to do this stuff. My week of vacation just ended and it's been GREAT!

I like your ideas and will keep watching your site. Wish I could help more, maybe I can send you a draft of a headlight section with a few years to start.
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Re: Section for Stock or Survivor Cars

I'll shoot you a message once I get to a point where info can be submitted. I'm wrapping up the map, which will include event and vendor coverage, then I'd like to knock out a simple framework of the news and build blog framework, then I'll begin working on it, I think.
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Re: Section for Stock or Survivor Cars

I forgot about this post :)
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Re: Section for Stock or Survivor Cars

2013! Where does the time go?

I've not forgotten about this, actually. There's a list of things that are on my to-do list for the site but a new design is tops so the site will work well regardless of what the user is viewing the site from(phone, table, desktop). I've been working on this for the last few weeks. I've also got Randy's Daily Dose submission system almost finished as well.

Handling a social site like this is kind of a balancing act. The more features you add, the more deserted it feels if nobody's using it(good example is viewing the member map and what you think when you see it). Too few features as more people begin using the site and the lack of features become a big enough detriment to turn them away.

Since the current active user list totals "3", I've been working on stuff in the background and waiting to see which way the wind will blow. Either everyone will eventually disappear as they continue to see little interaction or we'll slowly see a larger community presence.

If we start to see more people wanting to hang out together, this will get worked on, for sure.
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