A day in the life...

You know you want to, you social butterfly.
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Re: A day in the life...

Holy cow, a mile+! I've never been to any show with that kind of turnout!
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Re: A day in the life...

yeah, it took about 25 minutes.

even more fun was the traffic on the way home. an F150 had violently butt rapped a Suburban and 3 lanes of traffic were blocked. if you're bored find where the 60 crosses the 605 and fallow the 605 south to Whittier Blvd. i passed the 60 at 3:45. i crossed Whittier Blvd at 4:30 :shock:
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Re: A day in the life...

the line! https://www.instagram.com/p/CQWNSV9Ju-m/
i think i may have been driving up the street the other way while he was filming this cause i recognize a lot of cars in the line and wound up parked close the blue Subaru/Scion/Toyota with the wing on it seen at 1:29
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Re: A day in the life...

That's just insane. I think I'd be scared to death the whole time of getting rearended.
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Re: A day in the life...

schwim wrote: May 30th, 2021, 10:53 pmI'd love to see what you end up picking up as a replacement, hopefully something fun :D
May I introduce "Hektor" my new workhorse?
Not just yet sure about the fun but he's functional at least... :)



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Re: A day in the life...

I don't know, he looks fun to me! You could grab a sawzall and make something amazing!
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Re: A day in the life...

Ha, ha, ha...
Believe it or not - actually I considered something like this for a while (besides a T2 Doka of course)... :D





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Re: A day in the life...

You have to admit, that's one stylish ride :)
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Re: A day in the life...

you never learn nothin by mistake if you're to careful.
bad decisions make good memories.
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Re: A day in the life...

Nothing unpacked yet but we made it!

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