My First VW

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My First VW

The Baja

When I use the Img tags the pics wont display, but the links work.

The first pic is right after my first wreck. I let my younger brother drive and he took a corner too wide.
Believe it or not we ran right into another 1960's VW Bug! With a little old lady in it, for real.


This is after I rebuilt it with a wide eye kit and I used spray can primer to paint it all one color.
My high school car.
That's my older brothers car in the background. He was in the army then so I drove it a lot :)


Me in 1984 with the 65 Bug I still have. This was right after a refurb had been done on the Bug and I was in a VW cruise that day.


VW's from that 1984 cruise in Oregon, a blast from the past on styles.


Schwim, how can I post so the pictures will show here?
I am using google photos.
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Re: My First VW

Absolutely fantastic! It was sad to see the baja take a hit but it seems your 65 has been the belle of the ball forever :)
65VW wrote:Schwim, how can I post so the pictures will show here?
I am using google photos.
Officially, Google doesn't support using their photos service as an image host for remote viewing. That being said, there's a workaround.

Take one of your links, for instance:

That link is an HTML page, so it can't be used like an image. Visit that link, and click the image. You are still looking at an HTML page, unfortunately, so again, that URL is no good to you. Right click the image one more time and "Copy image address". That's the URL you want.

Wrap that bad boy in image tags:

Which results in:


You can see by the ridiculously unwieldy URL that Google never intended us to use them to post to forums but it works fine in a pinch.

Using a photo sharing service, like Flickr, Photobucket or similar is best if you're doing this a lot but this will get your images visible if you only need to do it every so often.
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Re: My First VW

Thanks for fixing those Schwim and for the google photo details. I wondered why I could no longer post the images as I had been able to do.

What a pain now but it works!

This is me behind that same 1965 VW Bug in Beaverton Oregon, 7420 SW Daniel.
I look like a duck.
I think this was taken sometime between 1970 and 74 and is the oldest picture of the Bug that I have found so far.

I am pretty sure there are some pictures from a wreck it was in, rear ended, but I have not found them yet.

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Re: My First VW

65VW wrote:Image
You look like you're ready to rumble :D

My family has absolutely no VW history. I didn't get into it until after joining the military, when I started making up for lost time. I also fall in and out of the heavy interest but I always end up coming back into it. They're too fun to stay away from for long and the way I participate, it's a cheap hobby as well.
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Re: My First VW

i like that baja in the driveway pic, for whatever reason i like old driveway or street shots like that. i like to look at all the stuff in the background, houses, cars, etc. good stuff.
you're also reinforcing my want for a baja. iv been looking off and on, kinda but not really. if i find a decent driver for cheap ill buy it, but until then im not loosing any sleep over it.
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Re: My First VW



So if I understand aright that Bug is with the family ever since it was purchased?
Very cool!
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Re: My First VW

Yea the Baja was a lot of fun and easy to work on.

We were not really a VW family and I still find it odd my parents bought a new VW Bug in 1964 in Florida.
My Dad drove the Bug to and from work as main car and as a kid I liked the dune buggys and Baja's and the VW habit grew from that.
My Baja was purchased from my Dads friend too.

I need to put a new muffler on the family bug and have the new muffler but I got sidetracked fixing a gas edger with a weak/no spark.
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Re: My First VW

Just spotted this nice makeover of Oliver Onions' song Dune Buggy.
Instead of adding the vid to the "Let's Rock" topic I thought it woud fit here far better...
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Re: My First VW

65VW wrote:I need to put a new muffler on the family bug and have the new muffler...
Good luck with that task.
Judging from the pics of your VWs they're in perfect condition so changing the exhaust should be a walk in the park...
I guess you'll use new copper nuts on the flanges too.
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Re: My First VW

Maddel wrote:Judging from the pics of your VWs they're in perfect condition so changing the exhaust should be a walk in the park...
I guess you'll use new copper nuts on the flanges too.
Well not in perfect condition, the family Bug has plenty of dents and dings and wear and has sunflower seeds in the motor area that were put there by a mouse in the 1990's. Ill take pic to post soon. When I have taken the motor out I try not to lose the seeds :).
My other hobby is auto detailing so I do keep the paint and bright work looking good.
My 1992 ford explorer looks great!

I bought a muffler hardware kit with the muffler and I am not sure if they are copper bits but I do plan to use the new bolts.
My 3hp motor with no spark is waiting for a new magneto and I hope to install the muffler soon.
This weekend is a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday VW events around the area so I need to get the Notchback started and ready to go.
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