My First VW

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Re: My First VW

65VW wrote:... This weekend is a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday VW events around the area so I need to get the Notchback started and ready to go.

Your Notchback - what a great car! Looking at the pics brings back nostalgic memorys of my long gone, unfinished '66 Notch...
I'll add a few lines about it to the "passage in time" thread in due course.
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Re: My First VW

Ill post a picture soon at that same spot with the original owner who bought the Notchback in Germany in 1964.
It came from your area.

That picture is nice with that windmill in the background.
The funny part is that spot where the notchback sits is on the far side of a public park across very nice green grass!
I wanted some final pics of the owner with his Notchback that day I picked it up and the old owner said "follow me to a good spot" and he drove right onto the grass and drove across like it was fine, haha.
I just followed him in driving the notchback and we parked in a spot near the windmill that for sure does not allow cars.
Great picture spot though.
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